Defend The GOP

Dedicated to alerting conservatives of the problems with the Dems in Michigan and in the country. A viable way for a debate.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Today, as you all know is September 11th. I just got back from the Livingston County TeenAge RepublicanS annual 9/11 rememberance event, and the event was great.

More importantly we need to relize that even six years since this day when 3000 people were murdured, we are still in danger.

Please pray for those who lost loved ones on this day, and pray for those who are over seas defending America.

God bless America!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Great Movie

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Iranian Revolutionary Guard

President Bush is expected to put the Iranian Revolutionary Guard on the terrorist organization, according to State Deptarment officials. This is a major step in isolating Iran, (hopefully), from the western world. This is a great move for the President as it shows still that he is tough on terrorism. If you have a problem with him doing this, I would REALLY like to see why.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Iowa Results

Okay so here is the results from Iowa as said on

1st- Mitt Romney which was expected with 4516
2nd- Mike Huckabee with 2587
3rd- Sam Brownback with 2192

This is a huge victory for all the top three as the "top teir" McCain, Guliani, and Fred Thompsan, while did not spend any money in Iowa did not even break 200 votes.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

ABC Debate

I just finished watching the GOP debate on ABC. The setup was like the past as was the questioning. I thought that the moderator did a horrible job at getting simi-equal times for each candidate. At one point Tom Tancredo had to ASK to speak...that is a little outrageous. All the candidates did good, but I thought that Gulliani, Romney, and Huckabee did excellent jobs in the debate. Gulliani and Romney both cleared up things that hurt them.

It was a good debate and I think that there was no clear winner but Gulliani, Romney and Huckabee did the best.

Friday, July 20, 2007


Soon the President will undergo a normal colonoscopy. Please pray for him, and for this great nation.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Modern Political Scene Part 2

Sorry for the lack of posting but I wanted to make this article the best I could do as I am not at all familiar with the Democratic party and my observations/opinions are that of someone who disagrees with the party as a whole, but let me give it a shot.


The Democratic party today is mainly controlled by the far left, in my opinion. The far left are those who lean on socialism and hate the President so much that they will do anything to stop the War on Terror from being a success. These people are people like, John Edwards, Ted Kennedy, Howard Dean, Hillary Clinton, etc. However the Democrats, in my opinion, the Democrats are those who are Roosevelt Democrats or Kennedy Democrats. Believe in big government but a strong nation. These Democrats are few in number. These are the Democrats who I can support, whoa..never thought I would say that. Leaders in the Democratic party are Joe Lieberman. That's it.


Liberals are the mainstream of the Democratic party. They hate the President so much that they will do anything to stop the War on Terror from being a success. These people are socialistic and do not support "traditional values".

Hope you enjoyed our two part article and please leave a comment with what you thought of this series.